Q & A’s – Supplementary Estimates

Question no. 15 (Ms. Wilson):

To the Minister of Finance, the 2021-22 supplementary estimates are prepared in accordance with subsection 12(1) of The Financial Administration Act 1993; for each month since January 2021 to present,

(a) how many additional commitments have been undertaken during the fiscal year, and

(b) how many estimates include any expenses required to be paid out of the GRF that are not required to be voted on by the legislature?

Answer: Wednesday, December 8, 2021

(a) For the fiscal year April 1, 2021 to date the following additional commitments have been undertaken and voted on Dec 6, 2021 in the Assembly:

1. For Agriculture – $152,813,000

2. For Corrections, Policing and Public Safety – $81,165,000

3. For Finance – $10,800,000

4. For Government Relations – $62,000,000

5. For Health – $250,000,000

6. For Justice and Attorney General – $6,849,000

7. For Trade and Export Development – $9,500,000

(b) The only estimates that are not required to be voted on by the legislature are expenditures that are deemed “statutory.” The 2021-22 budget is voted on in its entirety. No minister has the authority to spend outside of that approved expenditure plan without obtaining supplementary estimates, or special warrant when not in session.