Education Survey I am a Teacher - EA - Education ProfessionalParent, Grandparent, CaregiverOther interested partyIn your opinion, what is the most urgent issue in Saskatchewan classrooms? What is the second most urgent issue in Saskatchewan classrooms? What is the third most urgent issue in Saskatchewan classrooms? Do you have suggestions on how to address those three issues? If yes, please describe them below. Do you believe Saskatchewan's education model should be restructured to ensure every student has adequate timeshare to reach their academic potential? If yes, how could that be achieved? Recently the Saskatchewan government introduced New Specialized Support Classrooms. Do you believe this will help solve some or all of the issues in classrooms? Is there anything else you would like to share or discuss? Would you like a call from Saskatchewan Rivers MLA Nadine Wilson? (Optional) Yes, please call me. I am providing my name and phone number below. (Your information will be held in strict confidence and never disclosed to any other party without your permission.)Name Phone Number Send