Q & A’s – RFP for Saskatchewan Individual Digital Identity Roadmap

Question no. 28 (Ms. Wilson):

To the Minister of SaskBuilds and Procurement, re: SPS-RFP-0484 Individual Digital ID Solution and Service Offering, “This Request for Proposal (RFP) is an invitation by the Government of Saskatchewan (GOS) to prospective Proponents to submit proposals for the provision of the solutions and services encompassed in the Saskatchewan Individual Digital Identity Roadmap, as further described in the RFP Particulars (Appendix A). GOS is seeking a long- term partner to design, build, test, implement, roll out, and operate a level of assurance three (LOA3)2 digital identity, in collaboration with the GOS digital partner network;”

(a) who are the partners in the GOS Digital Partner Network,

(b) what individual information is proposed to be attached to each Individual Digital ID,

(c) what is the Saskatchewan Individual Digital Identity Roadmap and where can the public view it,

(d) what form of consultation, if any, did the government use to obtain the consent of the Saskatchewan electorate to implement Individual Digital Identification, and

(e) has SPS-RFP-0484 tender been awarded to any company?

a) The partners for the Saskatchewan Service Connect (digital identification) were:
1. Executive Government
2. Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI)
3. eHealth Saskatchewan

b) The Government of Saskatchewan has decided not to proceed with the Saskatchewan Service Connect Request for Proposal (SPS-RFP-0484 Individual Digital ID Solution and Service Offering).

c) The Saskatchewan Service Connect Roadmap was a diagram that highlighted the key milestones anticipated for the program. The Saskatchewan service connect roadmap was available in the RFP
document. The public can request a copy of the document from the Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement. The Government of Saskatchewan has decided not to proceed with the Saskatchewan
Service Connect Request for Proposal (SPS-RFP-0484 Individual Digital ID Solution and Service

d) Between December 2020 and April 2021, the Government conducted a representative sample survey issued by Insightrix and conducted consultations with the public through town halls and one-on-one sessions with 55 organizations across the province.

e) The Government of Saskatchewan has decided not to proceed with the Saskatchewan Service Connect Request for Proposal (SPS-RFP-0484 Individual Digital ID Solution and Service Offering). As such,
the SPS-RFP-0484 tender was cancelled and was not awarded to any company.